Bio Farm Gramsh


Biofarm Gramsh is located in the village of Bulçar in Gramsh. An entity that operates in the field of agritourism/hotels and mountain tourism/rural areas, animal breeding in livestock complex.
In the farm areas, 75% of the products are farm products and 25% are products of the villages in the area.

-Bar Restaurant with a capacity of 30 tables for 150 people.
-9 log cabins with a capacity of 50 beds.
-Dairy processing plant with a milk processing capacity of 550 liters / day.
-1000 m² of surface with sports facilities.

Biofarm offers services in the field of agritourism with hotel accommodation structures, bar restaurant, dairy processing dairy and sports activities, such as: hiking, offroad, guides, horse riding, various campsites for getting to know the area.

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